ADA MI Family Photographer | Style Guide: What’s In and What’s Out
Style Guide: What’s In and… What’s Not So In
We’ve all seen enough episodes of Project Runway over the years — or we’ve at least seen a handful of fads die out — to know that Heidi Klum’s “One day you’re in; the next day you’re out” quote is completely true. Style trends ebb and flow, and though it’s virtually impossible to avoid looking back and saying “Yikes! What was I thinking?” at some point in your life, you can at least make sure you’re on-trend now. Consider the below a loose guide provided by Ada, MI’s award winning family photographer, on what to wear, and what not to wear, at your upcoming session. I grew up in the 90’s and 2000’s and I can tell you…I have made some questionable fashion choices!
smiling at mama during his family session near ada, mi
What’s Out: Tinted sunglasses
What’s In: Jewelry to accessorize
What’s Out: Bell Sleeves
What’s In: Puffed shoulders
What’s Out: Cut-out dresses
What’s In: Wrap dresses or Maxi dresses
What’s Out: Thigh-high boots
What’s In: Statement sneakers
What’s Out: Mules
What’s In: Fancy flats
What’s Out: Ruffles
What’s In: Lace
on top of dad’s shoulders during a family session near ada, mi
What’s Out: Transparent bags
What’s In: Bamboo bags
What’s Out: Head to toe animal prints
What’s In: Vests or belts to break up color
What’s Out: Brand name and logo blasting
What’s In: Tie-Dye if you are looking for a fun session
family cuddles up during family session near ada, mi
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