East Grand Rapids Baby Photographer | Watch Me Grow Package

East Grand Rapids Baby Photographer, ASP Photography’s most popular package is the Watch Me Grow Package. This package is a series of 6 sessions from Maternity to Family at the end, and everything in between! It is meant to capture all those milestones within that first year, since 1: A baby learns SOOO much in that first year, and 2: It goes by soooo fast!

Babies go through many milestones in their first year of life and it is sooo important to capture them. Here are some of the major milestones that babies typically reach during their first year:

grand rapids baby pictures

1. Birth: The first milestone is, of course, the baby's birth. This is a major event for both the baby and the parents. Maternity session is the first session in this package, and then the Newborn session. These sessions capture the bond of motherhood and new life!

2. Lifting Head: Around 3-4 months, babies start to lift their heads while lying on their stomachs. We will capture this in the head up session!

3. Rolling Over: Around 3-4 months, babies start to roll over from their stomachs to their backs and vice versa. Part of the head up session is not only tummy time, but time rolling onto their backs as well!

4. Sitting Up: Around 6-7 months, babies start to sit up on their own, without support. We capture this during the sitter session. This also where we see a lot of character come out as well.

5. Crawling: Around 7-8 months, babies start to crawl, which is a major milestone in their mobility and part of the sitter session!

6. Standing: Around 9-10 months, babies start to pull themselves up to a standing position, using furniture or other objects for support. If you baby can stand during their sitter session, why not!! If not, we definitely include this in the 12 month session.

7. Walking: Around 12 months, many babies take their first steps, which is a major milestone in their physical development. The 12 month session includes a cake smash! We capture some gorgeous non messy portraits and some family portraits

8. TEETH: Around 12 months, babies start to get a lot of teeth and LOVE to snack. Thus the cake smash session! It is not only a fun way to celebrate, but they are usually always excited during this portion of the session.

9. Social Interaction: Throughout the first year, babies start to develop social skills, such as smiling, laughing, and responding to their parents' voices and facial expressions. We will capture this at the family session that ends their baby plan. I just love seeing the love the family has created at the end of the baby plan.

Newborn photos east grand rapids

There you have it! Overall, the first year of a baby's life is full of milestones, from physical development to language and social skills. These milestones are important for tracking the baby's growth and development, and for creating lasting memories of this special time in their life. Now you know why the watch me grow package is a favorite! Book yours today!

Grand Rapids best baby photographer


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